Saturday, August 31, 2019

Alembic Chemical Works Ltd Essay

The pharmaceutical companies have to do direct marketing by necessity as they cannot advertise ethical products in layman’s media for him, but are required to promote only to the medical profession. They produce fine visual aids and product literature which could either be sent as direct mailings to the medical profession or can be delivered to them through medical representatives. The Living Legends What does one say about Lata Mangeshkar? That she has dominated the Indian film music scene for almost four decades and promises to do so for atleast another decade? That she became a legend in her own life time? That here is a musical genius which comes about just once in many centuries? One could say all these things and yet be merely repeating what has been said a million times over. And yet there is so much more to one is capturing one more vital as poet which one did not realize had existed in her. Such is the quality of her singing. Very few of those who see her at the pinnacle of her success realise the amount of effort, hard work end deprivation that have gone into building the facade which is so enviable. Born In Induce on September 28, 1929. Late Mangeshkar is the eldest in family of four sister, and a brother, all of whom have made a name in the field of music. Daughter of the noted Marathi stage actor-singer Master Dinnanath Mangeshkar, Lata revealed her musical genius at the tender age of five. Her first guru wee her own father and she avidly followed his musical stage plays. Late’s mother Mai Mangeshkar ha, one vivid memory of Lata as a child. It would seen that the young Late, one day, was singing a song from one of her father’s. plays when she bumped against something. All rushed toward the unconscious child and tried to revive her. When she came to, however, Lata continued with the singing of the song as if nothing had happened. This dedication to music led to her debut on stage. However, her father’s productive shadow was not to last for long. On April 24, 1942 Master Dinanath passed away reportedly telling her â€Å"Except for the tanpura in the corner and these notebooks filled with classical music and songs and God’s blessings. I have nothing elseto give you. â€Å"The family’spenury compelled Lata to sign a contract with MasterVinayak’s Huna Pictures as an actress-singer. In the same year,1942, she made her debut as a playback singer with Vasant Joglekar’s Kia Hasool in Marathi under the baton of shripad Nevrekar .But taking up a career as a playback singer was still impossible. She continued with her acting career, acting in Pahili Mangeshgar (Marathi 42) Chimna Sansar (Marathi43) More Bal (Marathi 43) Gajadhan (Marathi 44) Badi Mao (Hindi 45) and Mandir (Hindi 48) With Mandir Lata seemed to have reached a dead end. Mandir was Master Vinayak’s last film, after which he passed away. She was no great shakes as an actress and her career in playback singing had not really taken off. Two Years earlier she had made her debut in Hindi playback singing with Vasant Joglekar’s Aap Ki Sewa Afein under the baton of composor Dutta Dawjekar but nothing much had happened. However, stars served more benevolent. Ghulam Haider, who was then acoring the music for Majboor and who had seen and heard lata in the early. Forties, signed her up to sing a song for the film. Within a week of singing this song. Lata became the talk of the music world and was signed up by three other musical giants. Khemchand Prakash for Mahal. The most important thing is to make the mundane promotion outstanding by creative ideas. Promotion of S.S. Oberoi came out with a set of 10 four-page folders for Alcephin based on the theme ‘The Living Legends.’ The folders are extremely well-executed – well-designed and printed. The graphics and typography and illustrations are appealing. The idea is outstanding. Ten living legends are chosen and include names like Satyajit Ray (since then deceased), Mother Teresa, Baba Ainte, Lata Mangeshkar, Sunil Gavaskar, R.K. Laxman, Abdul Kalain and Shivram Karanth. Each folder deals exclusively with one legend. The selection covers a wide cross-section of interests. Each folder is well-researched. It brings out the circumstances that inspired the magic in each of them. It becomes a collector’s series. The centre-spread has the manufacturer’s plug. A short write-up on the characteristics of Alcephin and the line ‘The Legend Among Antibiotics.’ It is not intrusive at all. Yet it is effective.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Request for Proposal (Rfp) Essay

Executive Summary The purpose of this report was to find information about RFP in order to successfully implement Supply Chain Management software. The main source for all this information was the internet. Each of the RFP sources have an assortment of advantages and disadvantages. However, after analyzing each of them carefully, I came to the conclusion that the first and second option together would be the best choice to use since we are doing this for the first time. This decision would initially be costly but would reduce the expenses in the future. It would also be efficient because it would allow us to eliminate inferior vendors, which in turn would facilitate us in implementing the appropriate SCM software. Additionally, it would reduce project costs and formalize our problems and opportunities. All in all, after extensive research and analysis, I would say that this is the best decision for us to undertake. Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary 2.Summary of Research 3.Review of the source 4.Recommendation 5.References Summary of Research Outline 1.Internet searching †¢Websites that provided information about Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Request For Proposal (RFP) 2.Analyzed and evaluated the information and source 3.Selected a few reliable sources 4.Read selected information 5.Chose three sources 6.Analyzed the sources 7.Summarized each of them Resources used The main resource used was the internet. The following resources were utilized: Priority Integrated Marketing, Technology Evaluation Centers website. Finding as much information about the subject as possible in order to read and compare was important. Comparison of the information allowed me to determine the description of RFP and decide which information could be useful. In order to confirm the resources were reliable, a criterion of whether the website belonged to a professional company had to be met. Additionally, most of the resources gave general descriptions, but only those that could be useful were selected. A thorough read of all the information provided in order to isolate the most important aspects had to be undertaken. Review of the source RFP # 1 Source: Priority Integrated Marketing Title: â€Å"How to Write a Request for Proposal (RFP)† ProsCons †¢Explained the purpose of RFP †¢Listed the common elements of RFP †¢Described type of writing (language) that should be used †¢Emphasized the most important element of RFP †¢Provided RFP template †¢Described RFP process steps †¢Elements description is too vague †¢Template is general †¢RFP real example not included RFP # 2 Source: Technology Evaluation Centers Title: â€Å"Supply Chain Management (SCM) RFP Template† ProsCons †¢RFP Template for concrete purpose such as SCM †¢Listed SCM functions †¢A free sample in Excel included †¢Possibility to order appropriate template †¢Ordered template developed by the professionals †¢Template delivered as Excel spreadsheet †¢Purpose of RFP is not explained †¢Described RFP generally †¢Free sample is for transportation service †¢Ordered template is not free RFP # 3 Source: Internet Title: â€Å"ABC of RFP: how to develop an effective request for hazardous waste management services† ProsCons †¢Describes the importance and purpose of RFP †¢Process divided in stages †¢Explanation of every stage †¢Summary of key consideration at the end of stage A and B †¢RFP for the waste service †¢Some points not relevant †¢RFP for longer term cooperation †¢Template is not included Recommendation As was mentioned in one of the sources, RFP is time consuming. However, a good RFP could be beneficial for the company especially if the correct SCM software had to be chosen. Since this is the first time we are using RFP, we should use a combination of both option 1 and option 2. The first option explained the purpose and intention of RFP. It explains all the elements that need to be included in RFP, with brief descriptions accompanying each of them, and emphasizes the most important element. Also, it describes all the steps that should be taken into consideration. In addition, the first one included a request for proposal template which would give us an idea of how it is supposed to look like. The second option is a typical Supply Chain Management (SCM) RFP template which could be useful in our current situation. It lists the features and functions, and serves as a knowledge foundation reference throughout the entire time of our SCM software project utilization. Furthermore, the se cond option provides a free sample in Excel that we can use in order to prepare our RFP. Moreover, it also gives the option for ordering the appropriate RFP for our current situation which we can take into consideration because it is our first time using RFP. Although, it could be costly, a good RFP would eliminate inferior vendors and help use implement correct SCM software, which would be beneficial towards, and reduce future expenses. References †¢ How to Write a Request for Proposal (RFP). (n.d.). Minneapolis Web Design. Retrieved September 20, 2012, from †¢ Supply Chain Management (SCM) RFP Template. (n.d.). Free RFP Template Samples. Retrieved September 20, 2012, from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Microeconomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Microeconomics - Assignment Example A good graphical representation of functional utility is shown below. Marginal rate of substitution represents the rate at which customers are ready to give up one commodity in order to exchange while ensuring a same level of utility. MRS varies with points along the indifference hence it is vital to keep locally in the definition. In addition, MRS of a commodity X is equivalent to the marginal utility of X over the marginal utility of Y. a. An increase in the price of a normal good: This had direct effect of changes in income on consumption choice. In this case, consumers buy more goods when their income rises as the prices remain fixed in the market. In this case, a change in the income of the buyer causes the demand curve to shift. This is evident through a negatively sloped demand curve to counter the space in the exhibit. Therefore, the increase in demand causes an increase in demand and a shift to the right of the demand curve for living space. b. A decrease in the price of an inferior good: In the market, a decrease in the prices of such goods leads to increase in the equilibrium quantity demanded. Therefore, the substitution effect would force the consumer to buy more of the good. c. An increase in the price of a Giffen good: In economics, an increase in the prices of Giffen good increases the quantity of the good that is demanded in the market. This results to an upward sloping demand curve due to interactions of the income and substitution effects. The income effect can be positive or negative when the price of these goods

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Principles and practices of management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Principles and practices of management - Essay Example In this company oeople are brought together on the basis of defined roles within the structure of the organisation. The nature of the tasks to be undertaken is a predominant feature of Byfords of Holt. Goals are identified by management, and certain rules, relationships and norms of behaviour established. Byfords of Holt tends to be relatively permanent, although there may be changes in actual membership. Byfords of Holt uses line communication which means authority flows vertically down through the structure, for example from the managing director to managers, section leaders, supervisors and other staff. There is a direct relationship between superior and subordinate, with each subordinate responsible to only one person. Line relationships are associated with functional or departmental division of work and organisational control. Line managers have authority and responsibility for all matters and activities within their own department. Manor Hotel uses informal communication method which helps it to achieve the goals. It helps to provide satisfaction of members' social needs, and a sense of personal identity and belonging. This type of communication provides additional channels of communication and provides a means of motivation, for example, through status, social interaction, variety in routine jobs, and informal methods of work. Informal type of communication provides a feeling of stability and security, and through informal 'norms' of behaviour can exercise a form of control over members (Cole, 1990). With the help of this method of communication Manor Hotel has an important influence on the morale, motivation, job satisfaction and performance of staff. It can provide members with greater opportunity to use their initiative and creativity in both personal and organisational development Staff relationships has a great influence on the decision making process. Persons in a staff position have no direct authority in their own right but act as an extension of their superior and exercise only 'representative' authority. In Manor Hotel there is no direct relationship between the personal assistant and other staff except where delegated authority and responsibility has been given for some specific activity. This may be partially because of the close relationship between the personal assistant and the superior, and partially dependent upon the knowledge and experience of the assistant, and the strength of the assistant's own personality (Senior, 2001). Successful management of Manor Hotel lies in responding to internal and external change. This involves the clarification of objectives, the specification of problems, and the search for and implementation of solutions. Manor Hotel is seen as an information-processing network with numerous decision points. An understanding of how decisions are made helps in understanding behaviour in the organisation. The decision making in Byfords of Holt involves the isolation of those functions most directly concerned with the achievement of objectives and the identification of main decision areas or sub-systems. Viewing Byfords of Holt as a system emphasises the need for good information and channels of communication in order to assist effective decision making in it. Applying Handy's theory to both companies it is possible to say that companies apply different types of culture. Byfords of Holt has 'A Web'

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Project Level 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Project Level 4 - Essay Example The academy needed an injection of cash to help refresh the campus and offer another two main courses. Information Technology and Nursing were decided to be the most in demand courses in the area and specifically I.T. so with the help of a local venture capitalist, who lives in the area, have decided to build three new state of the art buildings, one at each site, each with 10 classrooms with new computers and network. The expectation is to design the infrastructure of each site so that it is secure, reliable and inter operates with all of the other sites where necessary. There are 1200 students expected on the I.T course broken up into 30 classes of 20 over two (a morning and an afternoon) sessions each day. As well as a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) option for people who are unable to attend college. East Anglian Academy has approached me as a consultant to design and implement a computerised system that will enable students and teachers to access resources both locally and re motely from anywhere with an Internet connection. Other staff there includes a Human Resources department, Accounts, and Security. The budget set aside for the project is ?2 million but with some movement if necessary. Initial time plan and estimated project costs February 1st initial proposal planning February 8th initial proposal planning February 15th initial proposal planning February 22nd initial proposal planning February 29th complete proposed project March 7th research March 14th research March 21st research March 28th research April 4th research April 11th research April 18th analysis and design April 25th analysis and design May 2nd analysis and design May 9th analysis and design May 16th interim submission May 23rd costing May 30th costing June 6th costing June 13th complete project report and present to class The estimated initial project costs are as follows Computer Costs: ?390000 Server Costs: ?49000 Routers Costs: ?8000 Switches Costs ?60000 Cabling Costs ?25000 Labo ur Costs ?100000 Total Project Cost: ?632000 Allocated Budget: ?2000000 Justifications Security –separation from the students, teachers and office staff data, so each person can only gain access to what they are authorised to. Shared resources – all sites will be able to access resources across all three sites if authorised Offload the time and labour intensive tasks, like backups, to third party companies Reduce costs – all of the systems implemented will be on an IP network and can leverage its functionality by putting the latest technology on it for things like telephones, video cameras, door entry system, building controls like heating and lighting, and also allow for the management of it all from any locally connected administrator computer Have fixed IT budget moving forwards Functionality The new system for Anglian Academy will do the following Link all sites as one network Centralise all management to the HQ campus but allow micro managing at the branch campuses where necessary for local issues Gigabit local area network speed Wireless connectivity throughout the campuses Move all HR data to the HQ campus Link all security cameras to the HQ campus Make available online course material for students (VLE) Give redundancy at each campus in the event of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Auditing&Assurance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Auditing&Assurance - Assignment Example Auditors go evaluate reports to ensure that they are accurately presented 1. The work of auditing should be conducted by independent professionals who demonstrate a high level of integrity. They should be honest, unbiased and sincere while discharging their duties. Most organizations experience cases of fraud, mismanagement of resources, and corruption among other vices. The vices are very costly to the organization and sometimes may be the beginning of the downfall of an organization. Most organizations lose their resources through fraudulent activities that are carried out by employees and sometimes senior managers. It is not easy to establish the fraudulent activities since it is performed by skilled individuals such as accountants. The cases might go easily unnoticed if a prima-facie approach is used to verify transactions. In order to unearth anomalies and discrepancies, a proper and independent investigation must be initiated. Auditors are the only professional that can be able to launch a thorough investigation that can assist the management discover fraudulent transactions and other illegal activities2. Auditing entails a number of activities. It analyses the books of account of an organization critically. Groups carry out numerous transactions that are recorded in the books of account. Conversely, fraudulent activities may take place during the recording stage. Accountants may alter the figure so that they can embezzle funds. The role of auditors is to look into the books to ensure no suspicious transactions have been recorded. In addition, they confirm the arithmetic accuracy of the documents that have been provided. Secondly, they are mandated with the responsibility of verifying the assets and liabilities of an organization. In the case of the body, the auditors had to undertake quarterly inventory counts. Furthermore, they detect and prevent errors and fraud from occurring. Finally, they report to the management n matters relating to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Marketing - Case Study Example He contended that a lot depends upon the differences in the extent of geographical location and the degree to which the company is centralized for decision making. International marketing is different from home-country marketing and the success or failure of the decision basically depends upon; International market situations happen to be multilevel in their decision focus, with a hierarchy of decisions from country assessment and performance measurement decisions through to more traditional marketing mix allocations and programs. For the purpose of this assignment we choose 'BARCLAYS BANK', a UK-based financial services group, with a large international presence in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia. Barclays is one of the largest financial services companies in the world, In terms of market capitalisation. It has been operating for more than 300 years with more than 25 million customers and 118,000 employees in over 60 countries. Barclays origins can be traced back to a modest business founded more than 300 years ago in the heart of London's financial district when goldsmith-bankers provided monarchs and merchants money for funding their business ventures. John Freame and his partner Thomas Gould established one such in Lombard Street in 1690. The name Barclay became associated with the company in 1736, when James Barclay also became a partner. The company amalgamated with the London, Provincial and South Western Bank in 1918 to become one of the UK's 'big five' banks. By 1926 the bank had 1,837 outlets. The modern banking business though started picking up in 1925, with the merger of three banks - the Colonial Bank, the Anglo Egyptian Bank and the National Bank of South Africa to form Barclays international operations. This helped the bank in adding more business in Africa, the Middle East and the West Indies. Besides the banking operations the Barclays' group has business interests in a range of fields like fund/ capital management, investment advisors, insurance, etc. But for our study we'll limit ourselves mainly to the banking operations. Some of the historical milestones and salient features about the Barclays' operations are; Barclays acquired Martins Bank in 1969, the largest UK bank to have its head office outside London. In 1981, it became the first foreign bank to file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and raise long-term capital on the New York market. Taking giant strides towards global acceptance Barclays listed its shares on the Tokyo and New York stock exchanges in 1986, thus becoming the first British bank to do so. In 2000 it took over the Woolwich, a leading mortgage bank and former building society founded in 1847. In July 2003 Barclays acquired the Banco Zaragozano, one of Spain's largest private sector banking groups, which was founded in 1910. Keeping pace with technological advancements Barclays started the telephone banking service Barclaycall in 1994 and later on-line PC banking in 1997. Barclays has also introduced

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discretion in the stop and search context have come under much Essay

Discretion in the stop and search context have come under much scrutiny as it has widely been linked to racist practices.Discuss - Essay Example Although stop and search normally happens in public places, it may also be implemented in certain private areas. However, police discretion to stop and search individuals in public has become one of the most contentious aspects of British policing, and several empirical researches, anecdotal evidences, and survey data point to the ineffective and discriminatory use of the police powers. Significantly, the question of police powers to stop and search people has become one of the central questions in the debate about the relationship between police and community. Most notably, discretion in the stop and search context give rise to several related issues including racist practices and it remains a bare fact that Black people are more likely to be stopped than White people. As Bowling and Phillips (2007) maintain, â€Å"the statistics show that the use of the powers against black people is disproportionate and that this is an indication of unlawful racial discrimination. If stop and sea rch powers cannot be electively regulated – and it seems that they cannot – then their continued use is unjustified and should be curtailed.†1 Therefore, it is fundamental to establish that discretion in the stop and search context has come under much scrutiny as it has widely been linked to racist practices. This paper makes a reflective exploration of the use of discretion in the stop and search in relation to racist practices. Discretion in the Stop and Search and Racist Practices The fundamental relationship among the concepts of ethnicities, racism, crime, and criminal justice has been widely acknowledged in the various empirical studies in criminology. Significantly, the modern strategies of police and policing affect the minority communities and ethnic groups. Ever since the beginning of post-colonial migration to the U.K., the relationship between policing and minority ethnic communities have been characterised by mistrust, resentment, and suspicion. As W hitefield (2004) maintains, the anti-immigrant attitudes and insensitive policing of the early years of post-colonial migration developed ‘mistrust, resentment, and suspicion’ between the police and minority ethnic communities. For example, the West Indian Standing Conference report by Hunte (1966) draws attention to police officers going â€Å"nigger hunting †¦ to bring in coloured person at all costs.† 2 Significantly, oppressive policing against African, Caribbean, and Asian communities takes the form of mass stop and search operations, the improper use of paramilitary methods, disproportionate surveillance, groundless armed raids, etc. â€Å"Among the various aspects of the relationship between the police and minority ethnic communities, it is the practice of ‘stop and search’ that has been the most contentious.† 3 Therefore, police discretion in the stop and search context has given rise to heated debates in criminal justice seeing t hat it has widely been linked to racist practices. First of all, it is essential to realise what ‘stop and search’ exactly means and what are the various contexts in which the police discretion in the stop and search is applicable. According to the Vagrancy Act of 1824, any individual in suspicious context could be arrested and prosecuted by the police, and there are evidences to establish that this discretionary power of the police

Friday, August 23, 2019

Walgreen Store Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Walgreen Store - Speech or Presentation Example Likewise, the kind of training the managers receive before they are given that position would be identified. A SWOT analysis of Walgreens would finally be presented, as required. The leadership position in any business endeavor depends on an interplay of factors that ensure an organization’s success. The CBS Interactive Business Network (2011) released a report conducted by the Drug Store News on the top 30 retail pharmacy chain in the United States and revealed that Walgreens topped all other retail stores in terms of sales in 2004. Second in line is CVS Caremark. However, in the 2010 Drug News Report, the reverse was eminent: CVS overtook the leadership over Walgreens (Drug Store News, 2010). In this regard, the essay aims to proffer a comparative analysis of these two different major retailers of pharmaceutical drugs in terms of determining the significant differences or similarities in management styles and mode of operation.... TRAINING PROGRAMS Walgreens â€Å"robust training programs in place to give our team members every opportunity to explore their interests and reach their goals†¦ from informal enrichment and mentorships to formal certification and training† (Walgreens: Training Programs, 2011, pars. 1 & 2) CVS â€Å"50 training and development programs exist across the Company, including our Emerging  Leaders Program (where) Participants attend development sessions focused on leadership competencies and building  functional skills and knowledge. They are also provided with on-the-job experiences and opportunities to further enhance their leadership skills. Throughout  the development process, they have access to coaches who support their growth as leaders† (CVS: Opportunities, 2011, pars. 1 & 3). Employees in both Walgreens and CVS are highly motivated given the vast opportunities for development through availment of training programs that could earmark productive careers as leaders and in managerial positions in the future. At Walgreens, for example, professional development is encourage through both lateral and vertical movements that expand experience and training in various fields, honing employees’ skills according to their interests and goals. At CVS, through internal promotions and the sheer volume and quality of training programs, employees’ talents and skills are developed through their career service at the organization. As indicated, leaders are developed through the Emerging Leaders Program at CVS and through enrichment, mentorship, formal certification and training at Walgreens. Exemplary performances are duly rewarded in both organizations. At CVS, the rewards and recognition programs are as follows: Paragon Award (â€Å"the highest  honor a colleague can achieve within